All our micro-mentoring programs are free of charge.
Using our database of volunteers, we match interested young people up with professionals who want to share their knowledge and passion for life.
Head to the Young People or Volunteer pages to sign up using the forms provided. We will add you to our database and then send you an information pack and let you know what opportunities match your needs.
The amount of time you spend is entirely up to you. You can participate only once for a few hours, once a fortnight for a few months, or you can make it a weekly routine.
The first step to finding a mentor is meeting up. If the professional and the young person decide they want to learn more together it can expand into a longer relationship.
SPARK provides screening and training programs, conversation guides and questionnaires to help passionate professionals navigate the introduction and learning process.
Young people have the opportunity to gain inspiration from multiple occupations in a real life setting, and professionals gain insight and viewpoints from the next generation.
Our sole reason for being is to help young people get the support they need to reignite their spark for life. We would not exist if you did not need our help. Here's hoping we go out of business!
Our passionate professionals make the world go round. Their dedication to helping young people find and explore their spark, their reason for living, is what makes us special.
We could not reach out to our youth or train our passionate professionals if you did not help us through your generous donations and support. Our community cares and they show it!
Our young people are offered a wide variety of passionate professionals to ignite their spark for life. They can choose which one they want to work with or they can interact with many different professionals. We will even do our best to recruit professionals in the field of your choice if we do not have it represented already.
Do you or someone you know need help now? Share the Spark is staffed by volunteers so we do not have people available 24/7. If you need help now use these resources -
Emergency: 000
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Lifeline Text (6pm-midnight): 0477 13 11 14
Kids Help Line: 1800 55 1800
Beyond Blue online chat:
We respect all people living on this Earth and believe that it is a better and more beautiful place because of our diversity. We encourage everyone to be their authentic self. What you bring to this world is unique, your perspective is valuable, and you are the only one who can express your thoughts and experiences. Be free to be you. The world is a better place with you in it. Contact us for more information or to give feedback.
Share the Spark Inc. is committed to ensuring that any participant information provided to us is only used for the purposes for which it is collected – to provide participants with the most appropriate services and care. We will only collect participant personal information where it is reasonably necessary for the functioning of our program, or more importantly, for participant safety. Contact us for our full privacy policy.
Your support and contributions will enable young people to reignite their SPARK for life and explore their dreams for the future. Your generous donation will fund our mission to prevent youth suicide by connecting young people at risk with passionate professionals who can help them find new purpose and meaning.
Share the SPARK is a registered Australian charity and all donation gifts over $2 are tax deductible.